Flounder, also known as Bothidae or Pleuronectidae get to 25 lbs. with the Florida record at 20.9 lbs. caught in Nassau county, FL. These flatfish spend most of their life swimming along the bottoms on their left side. Adults have both of their eyes on the top side of the body. They are usually as wide as they are long.
Flounder are found on soft muddy bottom near bridges piles docks and coral reefs where they wait on their prey and come out of hiding to feed year round. Flounder are not very picky eaters and most live bait is used with a Carolina rig (often called a fish finder rig). This rig is a hook on the end of a 12 inch leader. Above the leader is a barrel swivel, a bead and then a sinker. When using live bait we use a circle hook. Circle hooks help from fish swallowing a hook. For flounder we use a circle hook of 1/0-3/0. Since the Flounder bites sideways it’s a bit awkward for them to get hooked sideways. They are swimming on the bottom so having the hook there with the bait will usually work.
Flounder meat is mild and delicate. I like to cook Flounder in a variety of different ways. I cook it on the grill, bake it with seasonings or have stuffed flounder, which of is a whole flounder stuffed with a crab meat stuffing.
10 per angler per day 12” min